Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Time

Hello One and All,

So some business items up front I suppose, Mom, I got the two packages, thank you very much. Dad, for the call let's do 2 pm Washington time. I'll call the conference number, we're allowed to call out.

So what has happened this last week. Well we had our Branch Christmas party which was a blast. Complete with delicious food, music, dancing, and piñatas. (Side note: when the sponge bob piñata hit the ground I was reminded of a zombie movie when the kids jumped on it and ripped it apart with their bare hands. It was graphic). We had 10 or so of the people we are working with there, and it was a lot of fun. We stole one of the table center pieces (a six inch wire Christmas tree) so we'd have a tree to put our presents under.

Our week was pretty good, a little bit all over the place. We are trying to get things moving along again now that it's after the baptism. All attention goes to things like that so afterwards there's always a scramble to try and get back into the normal swing of things. This next week will also be kind of crazy what with Christmas mission conference, Christmas Eve, and Christmas. It'll be a crazy but hopefully fun week. We'll be spending Christmas day with the Hernandez family, he's the branch president, they're a younger couple with two little kids, it will be a lot of fun, games and dinner and goodies galore.

Speaking of goodies, Elder Anderson and I send our thanks for the Christmas baked goods.

Well, I can't think of too many other things that need reporting. I'll be on the computer for a little while longer, so dad if you want to write back to confirm the time of the call or change it please do so. Have a great week!

Elder Richards

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