Monday, January 9, 2012

Where oh Where in the WKM...

Hello One and All,

Well the sad news is that transfers are in and Elder Richards is out! But it's not the end of the world I suppose. Wednesday I'm shipping off to my greeny zone, not Boardman but darn close in Hermiston. My new companion will be none other than Elder Diaz, yep my first companion from my time in Vancouver. I'm kind of bummed to leave Kennewick, especially before a lot of awesome stuff that is just around the corner. I don't know the address, I'll send that next week. I'll be living in what is known as the "Plex". A four man apartment with two other english elders that is widely recognized as one of the funnest living arrangements of the mission, I was in Boardman when the Plex was founded, and now a year later, I'm living there, should be fun. And if I'm still a district leader I'll be able to arrange exchanges where I go check out my old stomping grounds in Boardman.

This last week was a good week. We taught some good lessons, had a few laughs, and did a lot of speculating on what transfers might bring. Elder Anderson is going to be staying and Elder Broadhead will be taking my spot. So the area's in good hands.

I've learned a lot during my time here in Kennewick, and even though we only had the two baptisms, I am leaving feeling very accomplished. Our mission president forwarded us a list of reminders from Elder Ballard and one of them hit close to home:

"Second, that we understand that the real measure of success as we move from any assigned area is whether the ward/branch is better and stronger than when we came. We do that, not only as we “find, teach and baptize”, but also as we bring back members who have fallen by the wayside through inactivity. Also, by the feelings we have for those within the ward/branch boundaries and their feelings for us."

When I came the branch was one week old, strong, but still somewhat similar to a deer on wobbly legs. This last Sunday we were shocked to realize that 15 people (less active members) all showed up independently of one another, and testimony's were very much directed towards us. One of which was a young man who is now getting ready to start his mission papers because of a conversation we had with him at dinner. Another one of the branch missionaries is also getting his papers ready. The Ramos family is now one of the strongest families in activity. Bro. Ramos has been sustained as a member of the Elders Quorum presidency (secretary), and I've made numerous strong friendships. This area has truly been a success for me. I will always remember my time here.

I got to talk with Yhon on the phone which was way nice. He went back to New Jersey about a month ago, and is making preparations so he can move back permanently with his wife. His wife spoke with me for a moment and expressed a great deal of gratitude for what I did for her husband, but it wasn't me, it was the Lord. I really look forward to visiting Yhon with mom and dad in a few months, he'll be back by then, and he is looking forward to it too. Such a cool guy.

Thanks everyone for all the letters and support and what not, my journal writing is still 100% so far. Next time you hear from me, I'll be back in Oregon!

Elder Richards

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