Friday, September 28, 2012

Take us to yall's leader.

Do you like Daniel Craig? Do you go weak in the knees at the sight of Harrison Ford? Have you ever watched a old west movie and thought to yourself: "This is pretty good...but it would be better with aliens!" If you answered yes to at least two of these questions, then you'll probably get at least mild enjoyment out of the 2011 movie Cowboys and Aliens. So this was one that came out during my mission that I really wanted to see. Not only because of my heterosexual mancrush on Harrison Ford, but also for my love of things comic book and scifi. So how was it you ask? Let me respond in this way: Daniel Craig has a very good american accent, Harrison Ford is a mildly racist cattle rancher, Olivia Wilde is attractive as usual, and the aliens are basically the aliens from District 9 on steroids. The movie kept me entertained for it's duration. There are a few plot problems. For example, the aliens' presence on our planet is due to their desire to mine gold. Harrison Ford's character points out this flaw with "what, so they can buy something?!" To which a non commital "it's as rare to them as it is to you" is thrown out to try and disregard the plot hole. Also, it was a bit depressing just how strong these aliens are in comparison to the humans. At the end the humans lead an assault against the invaders, and the aliens wreck whole-sale tush. Just trashing them. But this movie has good special effects, it's cool to look at, and it is unarguably the best movie out there that pits cowboys against aliens. So, if you've got 2ish hours to kill, why not watch a new take on the old west?

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