Friday, August 20, 2010

Adventures from the MTC

So apparently a construction crew broke a water line out front so our water is broken. Thank goodness I got my clothes into the dryer first. This past week has been pretty good. I sang in sacrament with a small group and we were very well received. Then, with the addition of an alto hermana we auditioned for a devotional musical number yesterday and got the part, so to speak. But yes, it has been a good week.

My cough got worse and most of my district has been fighting some illness or another (I'm mostly over it now), we all lovingly blamed it on one of our teachers. For gym time the other day one of the Elders in the district led us in yoga. It was...liberating(?) but yeah anywho. We play a ton of volleyball usually, it's a lot of fun. Every Wednesday it seems weird to see all the newbies showing up. Spanish is coming, I can pray and speak much better now that I can speak in future and past tense. I love going to the temple it is a huge blessing and definitely a highlight of the week. Today after our session we got to go help out in the laundry room and that was way cool. We have service time every Wednesday morning, and that's it, so this was like "awesome extra blessings!"

Thank you to everyone who has written. Especially you dad, your letter was very much appreciated. It was very touching and kind. Every once in a while I see someone I know which is kind of odd. Fun fact this last Wednesday my companion's way good friend came to the MTC and it turned out it was my home teaching companion from BYU. The Mormon world is a small one. Hey whit, and Cody, congrats on your impending wedding, (we can photo shop me into the pictures after I get home) don't worry, you'll have a real letter coming in the mail in the next little while. Mike, how are you doing? How goes the job hunt, I haven't heard from you yet, you too Eric.

This last Tuesday we had a Large Group meeting which was way good, and an added bonus, the guy teaching it looked like a younger brother of Bill Murray, also he sounded just like him and had the same mannerisms. That night the devotional was PHENOMENAL. If you can find anything by Elder Gonzalez and his wife from the first quorum of the 70's presidency, you should totally read it, they are way good speakers. His wife really reminded me of Ricardo and Greg's moms, just the middle aged super loving motherly Latina type. It made me a little home sick, but then I got over it. Anywho, I can see this Elder going places, I wouldn't surprised if he ended up in the 12. He is a very good speaker, and I thoroughly enjoyed his talk. Well, I think I've touched on everything major, and I need to go get my clothes. So, thanks everyone for all your love and support, I love y'all and love hearing from you even more!

Con amor,
Elder Richards

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