Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm still alive

Hello One and All. So sorry about the lack of anything last week. We got to the library late and all the computers were full and I didn't get a computer until all the Elders were leaving for the traditional DQ Tuesday, and I wasn't about to miss out on that. But yes, I am here for a real email now. So today is Elder Sauceda's birthday. I plan on getting him a cake at DQ later, then the member we're living with is baking him a German Chocolate Cake, then the Castanedas will probably make a cake on his head (Eric I believe you have some experience with this from the Peru days).

Last week (before the crummy email I sent) I got busted for speeding. On my defense we were hurrying to get home before curfew, needless to say, after the cop's shenanigans we were late. I talked with Elder Buetler (the vehicle coordinator) about it, he said no harm done because this is the first ticket on my record, and that there would be no negative repercussions as far as my driving privileges. On a lighter note, he seemed quite angry at the cop's warning of how our bike rack obscured the license plate and needed to be moved, he says "that's what they're made for". So no harm done, though I do have to pay a decent amount of change, but maybe the judge will take pity on a poor missionary, we can hope at least.

The people on date are still on date, but I only have hopes of one or two of them being baptized. The one that should be baptized this Saturday is very resistant to it. We talked with her very thoroughly about how she did have a testimony (because she does) but she still has her doubts. The really frustrating part is that she even recognizes that the doubts come from Satan. This last Sunday we went to her trailer and did everything short of dragging her out of bed to get her to church, it was a very stressful morning. But she did get to the Spanish group. Late, but she got there. Then the night before we called in our weeks numbers we had been told that she would go to the Spanish group Elders as an investigator at church. I had a few things to say about that after the fight I put up to get her there. Needless to say, we got the number.

On Sunday Boardman got about 4 or 5 inches of snow, but oddly enough Irrigon didn't get any. So our days are very weird when we work in one spot then go to the other to find a lot of snow. Life is good here in the mission field. Sis. Hoffman, the lady we live with, is real nice, always wanting to chat. She cuts our hair and provides the occasional baked good, so can't really complain about that.Well, I think that about does it for me this week. I'm doing good, my Spanish is coming along. I hope all of yall are well. Remember, I enjoy the occasional email. Hint hint.

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