Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life in the BC

So the first week of the transfer has passed by. My new comp Elder Bao is a really cool guy and I really enjoy working with him. He's from Ecuador. He's the oldest of four and is half Chinese, but he lives with his Ecuadorian mom and step dad. Really good missionary. He's been in the mission for almost 4 months, but has been in 3 areas already, Basin City being his 3rd. One for every transfer. A fun fact: he's the Elder who took my place in Boardman when I came here. So we have an area and a companion in common. His birthday is may 1st, so he's got 2 days on me. We get along really well, and his English is practically perfect. He studied on his own through out high school (watching movies in English and whatnot).

Sister Taylor told me that she was in contact with mom. That's a really cool family. Brother Taylor is the ward mission leader for one of the wards we cover. He does a great job of always making sure we are fed and taken care of. This last Sunday our dinner/lunch appointment fell through, so Sister Taylor had us come over and served us sub sandwiches at mom's suggestion. Pretty tasty. They are a really nice family, I've had a lot of fun times at their house.

This last Saturday me and Elder Bao got to go and help out one of the Spanish branches do baptisms at the temple which was way cool. Me and Elder Bao were the only one's baptizing so we each did well over 50 names. It was a really cool experience. I also gained a new found respect for people like Alma, or Ammon. It had never occur ed to me how tired your arm gets after about 15 or 20 baptisms. Another good thing about it I now have the Spanish baptism prayer memorized. And I got plenty of practice to perfect my technique, so I don't think I'll have a repeat of my four dunk first baptism.

This was a pretty good week work wise. We have a lot of baptisms coming up real soon. One for this Saturday (it might get pushed back a week for time sake, but he's solid) and another a week from tomorrow. Exciting times here in Basin City. One rather funny story I ought to share. We were teaching a lesson to the Luna family Sunday night, and we were watching Finding Faith in Christ with them. There's the mom and dad, two older sons, two middle school aged girls, and a little 1 1/2 year old-junior. Well we were watching the video and it was right at the end, when everything is real quiet and spiritual and Thomas is explaining how he knows that Jesus is the Christ, and how the 'antagonist' can know too. So it's real quiet and like a raspberry being blown junior let's one fly. Immediately afterwards the room is filled with the sound of all the kids and Elder Bao and I trying to stifle our snickers and maintain calm. It was one of those situations where you can't laugh and therefor it's a thousand times funnier. As soon as me and Bao got out of the trailer we laughed for about 10 minutes straight.

We had a pretty serious lesson with two kids (some of our investigators) about why they need to be baptized. It was real good, and they were a little more willing to commit by the end of it. We had another lesson last night in this small town called Hatton with a less active's 9 year old grandson and his 13 year old friend. Neither are members, but they have family in the church. We taught the plan of salvation which can be kind of complicated, but kept things simple. And it was really cool to see how involved and interested the 13 year old was. He was a really sharp kid that picked up on everything.

So that's my week. Thanks for all the letters, I love yall a lot and the church is true.

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