Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Big Changes in Vancouver

Hello One and All,

So, life in the WKM continues to move on as usual. The big news I suppose would be the visit with Elder Perry yesterday. It was way cool and super spiritual. He also had his wife and Elder Clayton (one of the presidents of the 70) and his wife with him. For an 89 year old man ol' L. Tom has a spring in his step. After walking in he jogged up the stairs and then turned around said in a kind of amused frustrated way "oh sit down, sit down!" (We all stood up when he came in). Also, he was a lot taller than I would have imagined, he was way up there. The talks were way cool and I got an answer to my "inspired question". The Greers wanted each of us to prepare a question and look for the answer in what we were told by E. Perry, and I totally found the answer.

Dad, no worries about the no letter, I did notice, but you're constantly on the road and busy, it's all good. Whit, thanks for the note this week, sounds like Vegas is treating you well. Also, does apple pay you every time you promote their products to me or something? And thanks very much for putting together the package, I appreciate that.

So this last week has been pretty good. We got this couple with us to a church tour for the first time, it was really cool because they actually showed up. We had a member of the stake presidency with us who contributed some really good stuff in the chapel. At the end when we invited them to come to church the following day. The husband said yes right away but the wife was super hesitant about it. She's not too interested in the church it seems. They didn't end up coming on Sunday, but now we know that we can maybe focus things in on the wife and try to get her interested in it. We also went to this old investigator for a haircut, she's actively coming to church and paying tithing. So we plan on jumping on that opportunity. We're seeing her in a members home this Thursday and plan on inviting her to be baptized on a specific date. Hopefully that goes well. She also gave us some awesome coupons for the special treatment at sports clips (where she works) for the face massage and all that stuff, so I'm hoping my hair grows fast so I can go cash that in.

In regards to our moving. So we had interviews with Pres. and Sis. Greer this week. And president is asking me what we can do to revamp the work in Vancouver. The Spanish work is there, but it's struggling a little bit, we're going through a lot of changes. So now what it sounds like will happen is we might get 2 more Spanish elders and just completely restart the work here, which I think would be a way cool move. We'd get a lot more baptisms that way. So there would be 4 of us in the companionship. So now instead of moving in with new members tomorrow, we'll be moving into an apartment next week. Should be fun, I've never had an apartment as a missionary before. The 4 elder thing might not happen, but it's one of the options we're looking at.

I'm on exchange with Elder Dyas right now. Despite the Hispanic name he's totally white. He's been out for about 7 months, really cool guy and he's a convert of 2 years. Great testimony. We've had fun together. We went to WSU campus yesterday and filled out a form requesting permission to have a table and proselyte to all the students, hopefully that'll work out. His area is really struggling right now because they don't have a lot of support from the members. The members like them and feed them and everything, but they're not helping at all with the work. So I'm grateful for the areas that I have served in. It was a rough exchange as far as the work goes. So remember everyone, the missionaries need your help.

Well, I think that about does it for me this week. I love you all and hope every one's doing awesome. Hasta luego.

Elder Richards

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