Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A New Transfer

Hello One and All,

Well, the transfer news is that I and E. Swenson will be remaining here for another transfer. Maybe I'll finally see some rain. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting it, but I've had nothing but sun for my whole mission, some never ending rain would be a nice change of pace.

Before I forget a couple of points of business for mom: Our new address is 4602 NE 72nd Ave. #72, Vancouver WA 98661. On the 16th of September our branch is having a culture night activity where everyone is bringing typical things from their home country, I was wondering if you might be able to send me a little box of typical Texas things to share with the Latinos up here. Other than a crazy big belt buckle I'm not too sure what all that would entail, but it would be nice. If you're too busy, no worries.

So our transfer started off with a terrific bang! We taught 5 lessons, and found 2 new investigators on the first day. I'm pretty excited for what this transfer is going to bring. There will for sure be some baptisms here in the coming month and a half.

The fleas have not moved with us I am happy to say. We moved, swapped out our mattresses for some nice new ones, and then sanitized the daylights out of everything else we own. It's so nice to have a clean apartment to come home to. We went by to see our old host members one day and Pokey (whom I have harbored much anger and resentment against) received a home haircut. He looks awful, quite literally like a rat. There are bald patches all over the place, his face and ears are miss-shapen due to uneven cuts, and his tail is down to skin and looks like a rat tail. I am no longer angry at him. I feel justice has been served and the score has evened up a little.

On the topic of our new apartment, I will send pictures once everything is organized, but it is so great. Yesterday we received SO MUCH stuff from all the different wards because the call went out abroad: "the missionaries need furnishings and appliances!" Now we are the owners of 3 microwaves, a George foreman grill/skillet, lamps, tables, chairs, odds and ends, and enough dishes to last through the rest of the mission. So over the next few days we will be doing a lot of storing and organizing. I can't wait to have everything in it's proper place...only to get transfered. It's all good. hat's the life of an Elder.

Well, thank you everyone for letters and everything. It was good to hear from you Mike. Whit, Cody, Eric, Jess, don't be strangers. I hope everyone is doing great. Go cougs! I was a good missionary and didn't look at the TV to see kick off. I love yall, and the church is definitely true!

Elder Richards

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