Tuesday, October 18, 2011

World Keeps On a Spinnin'

Hello One and All,

Well I suppose I'll start with the recent transfer information we received Saturday. I am getting transferred to Kennewick. Elder Swenson will be staying here and receiving the trainer of his MTC companion as a new companion. I'll be with Elder Anderson, I'm certain I've talked with him before but I just can't remember who he is. Anywho, he's been out a little less than me I think. From what I've been able to gather from the word on the street about my new area is that me and Anderson will be opening the work there. The Pasco branch just got split into two smaller branches and we'll be opening the work in the new branch. So it should be fun learning an area together.

I've really enjoyed my time here in Vancouver. It's been almost nothing but beautiful weather. It would be honest of me to say I'm a little bummed we weren't able to baptize anyone while I was here, but that's not important. There are now so many people ready to make this important covenant that weren't when I got here. I'm not attributing that to myself, but I'm sure a contributed a little bit. This is always a bitter sweet time when you go around saying your goodbyes and people are all crying. (Not me of course, it seems I no longer have that reaction). It's sad, but it also feels nice to see how much these people loved and appreciated me. Which is nice because I definitely love and appreciate them.

Jose continues to be perched at the edge of the font. I'm convinced he will join very soon, every thing's ready and he always tells us about how much he wants to do it. Our investigator sobered up and is doing soo much better. That was a sad goodbye, I've been able to see him progress so much in such a short period of time. He and his son came to church last Sunday which was way cool.

Like I said I'm sad to be leaving Vancouver, but I'm excited to be back in the tri-cities. On the one hand you're more connected to the information flow over there than out here in what we lovingly refer to as outer darkness (actually outer darkness is an area called Longview, but we are close neighbors). Also in the tri-cities there are Hispanics EVERYWHERE. I'll be close byish to the old Pasco neighborhood, so maybe I'll be able to say hello to some old folks.

Which reminds me, one big change (quick side note, mom's email just came in, thanks for that). Eric your arrested development quote cracked me up and I got a couple of glares from near by library people. Mom, in regards to the package, yeah we just found out about that yesterday because we went to our old members home to say goodbye and she mentioned how the package got there on Friday but then as she was signing for it she off handedly mentioned how I didn't live there anymore and the mail man instantly whisked away the package. So yeah it's somewhere in postage limbo right now probably. As for new addresses I don't know anything about that yet, I'll send it next week.

So the big change is that President Greer has consolidated several of the zones. So Hermiston (my first zone) was joined with Walla Walla and is now called Blue Mountain zone or something like that. And several others were joined together as well. So now we have these GINORMOUS zones with more missionaries. I have no idea why this is the case. I feel kind of like an old wine bottle with changes like this, but it's all good. As of yet I am not affected by the change.

Well, I think that just about covers things. Thanks everyone I love you all and the church is true. Next time you hear from me I will be in scenic Kennewick. Technically speaking East Kennewick zone, because regular Kennewick got consolidated into the Columbia River Temple Zone with a few others. But those are details and not important.

Happy Halloween!

Elder Richards

p.s. Happy birthday to Mike. Many happy returns. And from mom's email it sounds like Ben is hands down more inteligent than me. So, good for him.

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