Monday, March 19, 2012

Hello One and All,

Well another week come and gone. Mom, I got the package, gracias. This last week’s service: Tear out a deck and start building from scratch. So far, so good. We got it out. We put in the new foundation, and this week we will probably finish it. Lots of manual labor that hopefully I can use in the future.

The week was good. We taught a ton of lessons. The best ones being with Kristyn and the Baker Family. Kristyn is realizing more and more that the choices she is making won't make her happy in the long run, her eyes are opening up a little bit. Then last night we taught the Baker Family at the Stake President's house. We taught them the Plan of Salvation, Dave (the father) is really starting to show some interest in this. At the start of the visits he was the most closed off and skeptical of what we were sharing, but now, and especially last night, you could really see the wheels turning in his head. The idea of eternal families seemed particularly important to him, that and how he'll one day have his leg back. Good good family.

We have Maria all lined up for her baptism this Saturday so we're pretty excited about that. Elder Hardy will baptize her, and I'll confirm her the next day. It should be way good, we have a pretty good program set up for it.

We went on exchanges this week, so I hosted the District Leader in our area. It went rather well, and we had a good time. Shared some laughs, shared some lessons, and he smiled and nodded a lot while I spoke to people in Spanish.

We also had a correctional lunch with the ZL's on Saturday. Nothing major, just to talk out a few things. In all actuality the correcting took up all of 2 minutes, and then after that they asked me to tell them the famous sting operation story from last transfer.

We also had a specialized training with President Greer that was way good. He had a role play in which he basically explained that he is giving up ...dollars in profits to be here for 3 years and how that is not what is important when compared to a testimony of the gospel. And I thought I was making a sacrifice. He also gave us a training on how important it is to be trusted,and how our lives will be infinitely better if we have the trust of everyone around us.

Well, hope everyone had a great week and that everything went well with Ben's baptism and Harrison's blessing. Don't be strangers; I'd like to hear from you.


Elder Richards

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