Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Ok, so first of all sorry for not emailing yesterday. On Monday during district conference we were told that President and Sister Greer were coming to town yesterday to do interviews, so our Pday got bumped to today. Sorry if that caused any concerns. So, my week has been pretty good. We have a few baptisms coming up, Eloisa next Friday and Bob (the guy in fossil) Nov. 6th. Life in the field is good. Thank you very much mom for talking with Ricardo and Haley, I do appreciate it. Unfortunately off the top of my head I do not know the members address I live with. I'll get that to yall next week, and it's looking like I'll be here for at least another transfer, So I'll probably be here for a while.
I'm glad you enjoyed the old senior video mom. That was a lot of fun to make. I remember when he put it up on YouTube copyright people made him take down the original credit sequence which was really cool, so hopefully he got to put up the original.
So yeah, I have my bike, but we don't use bikes here, so it's in the garage. Some other area though I'm sure it'll come in handy, speaking of purchases. On Monday I bought a pretty nice GPS at walmart for just under 100. I was wondering if maybe I could get reimbursed as a early Christmas present? It will definitely help me out. So one fear I have, it's a very good chance that I'll be training next transfer. I'd get a Spanish elder who has 6 weeks less of Spanish experience than me, and I would be in charge. So that's kind of a terrifying concept, but we'll see what the Lord wants in a few weeks.
So Elder Montoya goes home at the end of this transfer, and it turns out that he's from Houston, only about 40 min away from us, in Humble. So I'll give him the phone number and address, and if yall want you can have him over for dinner some time and hear about the area I'm in. Should be fun, and he says he'd like to meet yall.
President Greer says the other elders I came in with are doing good, Elders Tom and Hansen. Dad to answer your questions, we do our laundry at the members home we live in, we email in a library, and we only drive. I'm in the Hermiston area and living in Boardmen. So far on Pdays we've just taken it easy in Boardmen. Today we picked apples in the backyard for the Olsens (our "host" family). The fruit here is very good and fresh. I had several apples while working, then we washed the car and that's been about it so far. Next week we're going to go to Hermiston for zone pday and that should be pretty fun. The work is about 60/40 when it comes to English to spanish. Mostly in English, but there's still plenty of Spanish to have. Well, I think that just about covers everything, I love you all and thank you for the emails mom and dad and Grandpa. In the mean time I probably better write president. Les amo.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Finally in the Field
Ok, it is good to be in the field. So Tuesday morning we flew out in a real small plane. Then almost 2 hours later we landed in Pasco Washington airport that had to be smaller than Sartartia Middle School. 14 or 15 of us flew out on the same plane, 4 of us were Spanish speakers. That night we had meetings with President/Sister Greer, the AP's and Senior Couple. I love the Greer's they are really great to us and care deeply for us. We got to walk down to the Temple there, small but really beautiful. That night all the elders went and stayed at the AP's apartment in bunk beds and floor mats. Then the next day our trainers drove from all over the mission to pick us up.
I'm down in Oregon, a real nice area. My trainer is Elder Montoya is great. He's a native Mexican so he helps a lot with the language. We get along great and have had mild success in teaching. This is his last transfer so he heads home real soon. After he leaves I'm not too sure what I'll do. We live with a nice older couple from the English ward we attend. As far as the split of lessons we teach in languages it's probably 60/40 English to Spanish. And as far as Spanish here goes, well I don't understand too much. If I can get them to slow down and speak to me like a slow child, I can usually understand, but that doesn't happen too much. The tricky part is hearing where one word ends and the other begins, but it's slowly but surely getting better. Although, I do love the Spanglish lessons, I can understand almost everything in those. My first day I couldn't understand a word, I very slowly improving.
There's this one family in the Spanish branch, they're recent converts the Castinetas, I absolutely love them. The first time I met them they were a little unsure because I was replacing their Elder who baptized them. But we've visited with them several times before and they have since adopted me into the family and shown a ton of love to me. They're great. We're teaching some people who will probably be baptized with some time, but the one I'm really excited about is Bob. Saturday night a Branch President from this branch out in a small town called Fossil (about an hour and half away from us) called and said there was this guy who had been attending church and wanted to meet the missionaries and be baptized.
So Sunday came and Elder Montoya went to our branch and I went with Hopper (A local priest) to Fossil to meet and teach Bob. We had to split because we had investigators coming to church that needed tending. So we get there and I don't think this place could be called a church, just a set apart meeting house. This used to be a little home that got converted. Also there were 9 people attending, including me, Hopper and Bob. They had one priesthood holder, the president, and the rest were sisters, save the president's son.
So after a nice testimony meeting where all of us shared something me, Hopper the president and one of the sisters went into a separate room with Bob. I proceeded to teach the first lesson with random input thrown in by the other people there. It went very well and the spirit was strong, at the end I invited Bob to be baptized, which he accepted, tomorrow Elder Montoya and I are going back down to fossil for the next lesson. I'm very excited about him. Because he's my first solo teachy.
There are a few other people that have been found since I've gotten here, but that's probably the neatest story. The members are real good about feeding us every night, and you can never leave the Castinetas trailer hungry. There's both ends of the spectrum here, we live in a nice house. But most of those we teach are in pretty humble conditions of trailers, or double wides, or whatnot. They are all very generous and kind, just living humbly.
Elder Montoya and I have both been sick this week, but are slowly improving and feeling better, so that's good. I think that's about it from this end. I was quite pleased to hear about Austin winning BOA, go Bulldogs! You'll have to go see a football game and tell me how they look. Hopefully everyone is doing well. Hey Whit, here's a favor You should do me. If you would be so kind as to send me copies of the prayer cycle, adagio for strings, appellation springs, things like that that are appropriate, that would be super awesome. Well I better go, but I love you all and look forward to the work and language progressing.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Heads up ...we've got (snail) mail!
I absolutely love my Mission President and his wife. They are so loving. When we got to the airport they were there to meet us and send off 15 missionaries. It was really neat to see all the teary eyed missionaries leave. It was cool, we flew in on this tiny plane. Also we got to see the Colombia River Temple. It is so beautiful. I got some awesome pictures.
Tuesday is our P. Day (Preparation Day) for future reference. It's the day when we clean our apartment, shop, do laundry and write letters, etc. Well, I need to go get a shower in before lights out. Oh , before I forget ...for packages they have to be sent U.S. Postal Priority Mail because UPS, FedEx, or DHL can't be forwarded from the mission office to the missionaries. Which apparently is where we're supposed to get our mail from. Once I find out my address letters can be sent directly to my apartment. I'll clarify that with my trainer tomorrow.
Anywho I have to go, but it was so good talking to yall today. Sorry I couldn't say good bye to you Mom. I love yall so much, and thank you for your sacrifices.
Elder Steve
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Last MTC Email
Thanks to all who wrote letters, they really do brighten one's day here. Now then, the last week was longer than all the others, but it's been good. We've had a slightly different schedule around here, what with departure meetings and whatnot. We're all very excited for conference. Be sure to keep an eye out for me. I'm really excited to attend in person for the first time. Singing in conference, this is truly a once in a life time experience.
Speaking of church leadership, I got a chance to watch Pres. Monson's talk from the Relief Society broadcast (on Joy Shaerrer's recommendation) and it was phenomenal. So I highly encourage any one who reads this and hasn't seen it to go check it out at, or, whichever site it's at. (Speaking of the Schaerrers, mom, could you thank Joy for me for the letter she sent. Let her know I'll be responding when life becomes less crazy.)
Now a belated happy birthday to Mom and Dad, I hope it was great. If they haven't arrived yet yall should each be getting a letter from me soon. I don't know how dependable yalls mail lady is. Tell Elder Hall hello for me, also, one of the Hermanas in my district Hermana Van Taendren is going to Houston South. So if you ever see the Spanish sisters go say hello and see if it's her. I'm sure she'll have a story or two about me to share with yall. Before I forget, mom and dad: on Tuesday I will have the chance to call yall from the airport before leaving. I report to the travel office at 8 in the morning so I'll probably get to the airport at 9:30 or 10 maybe. So I guess just be available Tuesday morning. I look forward to having a quick chat.
I hosted again this week. It was fun, the mothers weren't too upset so that was good. This past week I have had several personal English fasts where I go 24 hours of only speaking Spanish. They're certainly a challenge, but they really do make a difference. We had a great experience at the temple today. I look forward to my first temple session off the mission.
Today we got word on the audition some of us did a month or so ago. So it turns out we'll be singing at the departure devotional this Sunday. So they finally called us in. Alright, that's all I have to report on. But I have a homework assignment for all the immediate family: I leave Tuesday morning, so I ask that all of you write me through dearelder one last time before I leave the MTC. For some of you this won't be an issue I know, but I would really appreciate it if I could here from yall one last time.
Thank you so much everyone for your love and support I love you all dearly and pray for you daily. I cannot wait to get out there in Washington and start doing some good. It's been a long 2 months, and I can't wait for the rest of my mission to begin.
Elder Richards
Friday, September 24, 2010
Muy Muy Casi
The other real cool news is that I got into the special choir going to priesthood session next weekend. So I'll get to go to conference and be on the stand. All the men keep an eye out during the special musical numbers. My companion Elder Hansen is also going, along with two others from our district.
Oh a question for Dad: when it comes to buying a bike in Washington, I assume I should just use my debit card on that? Mike and Jess, thanks for the letter, my teacher got a kick out of some of your stories. Also that's pretty crazy about all the various accidents with the kids. I hope everyone is doing all right. Congrats to Ben for moving up with the smart kids. Whit, your reception looked good. My favorite picture is the one of everyone jumping. Eric, I hope all goes well with your travels and time in Iraq. (Actually Stephen ...he'll be in Afghanistan!) Mom and Dad, how's the ward doing? Still mostly children ...primary aged kids? So, what are the goings on in every body's life? Whit and Cody, how goes the settling into the apartment?
I've been reading a lot of the BoM the last few days because I'm trying to finish it before I leave the MTC. I'm rediscovering some of my favorite passages, for example 2 Nephi 22. Love it. The gift of the spirit is fantastic. Those crazy Isiah chapters make a fair amount of sense this time round.
Well, I love you all and appreciate your love and support. I can't really think of anything else major that has gone on around here. Oh, this last Wednesday I hosted new missionaries. That means I was the guy at the curb who dragged the missionaries away from the crying mothers. They weren't too bad, but there were still plenty of tears. Very different from my drop off experience which consisted of: "Well, thanks for the ride Whit. I'll see ya in 2 years." And then skipping off. I guess not everyone is as stoic as our family. But yes, I am very excited to leave. The MTC is great, but I can't wait to get out there and teach real people and do real things. I am super excited. I love you all. Thanks for your love and support. Keep an eye out for me at conference.
Elder Richards
Friday, September 10, 2010
The life and times of Elder Richards
Well this week has been an eventful week to say the least. One of the Elders in my bedroom and his companion (who are going to Kennewick as well) we are all very good friends. His family is up in Riverton and very close. His mom and sister have practically adopted the rest of us and it is very nice. We know they love us. They correspond with each of us regularly, makes one feel good.
He has been quite ill for the last 2 weeks or so. Throwing up and going to the sick bay and repeating the process over and over. So we've all been tag teaming and staying with him in the bedroom so his companion wouldn't miss so much class. So that's been I guess. Anywho, he seems to be all over it now, so that is good. Another Elder went in for surgery today to get his tonsils and something else removed. Apparently they were so large that they were causing him to have sleep apnea. His companion says the procedure went well, so he's going to stay in the hospital tonight and then come back "home" (to the MTC) tomorrow. After the weekend he'll go to the sick bay where he will stay for a little while. Last night all the Elders in the district gave him a blessing. That is one, Elder offered it and the rest of us participated. I have to say, it was one of the most powerful blessings I've ever been a part of.
Now onto the big news of the week. So last week I mentioned in the email how we were going to get a new district leader and I was praying to dodge that bullet. Well once again God has revealed his sense of humor. One of the Elders was made district leader and me and my companion were made Zone Leaders. I did not see that one coming. So this has been a very busy week for us. We had 2 new districts come in so we had to orientate 22 elders while we were still learning what to do.
Fun fact, my old roommate (the one in the single room last year) is now in my zone, so that was neat. I've also seen another of my room mates around as well. So me and my companion have to go to different meetings, orientate new elders and sisters, plan zone activities, and maintain a general sense of order within the zone. The last one includes patrolling the residence halls. This is particularly challenging because we now have districts on the top floor with us, on the third floor, and the basement; and we have to go check on everyone every night. It's all right, I really enjoy the opportunity to get to know everyone and be a source of advice and help to them.
Thanks everyone for the mail. Mom, I got the package. Thanks very much. I especially loved the pictures, that was way awesome. All of my roommates were way excited to see pictures of my friends and family. Awesome wedding dress Whit. Mike thanks so much for the kids' card, it's the envy of the district. Eric mom says you're doing well, that's good. I hope all of y'all are doing well. I am not 100% whole right now, but I feel just fine enough. It doesn't detract from my learning that is.
Oh also mom, I'm assuming that was you that got in contact with Andrew and told him about dear elder because I got one from him the other day. Thanks very much. If you could let him know through email for me that I am allowed to respond it will just take a little longer because of snail mail. So just let him know a letter's going to be going his way soon. Um ...I think I've touched on everything. Hopefully everyone has gotten the letters that I have sent. Thank you everyone for your mail, prayers and support. It means the world to me. I love you all and pray for you daily.
Elder Richards
Friday, September 3, 2010
Adventures in Provo
So I goofed and forgot something big about last week: The devotional speaker was Elder Holland. He did a way good job and was pretty vocal as you would expect. One of the funniest things he said was how we had to teach what was in PMG (Preach My Gospel) and not leave anything else he says: "This isn't burger king, you can't have it your way, we don't hold the pickles!" This week Elder Hinkley spoke, he also did a very good job. Thank you all who sent letters this week. Thanks mom for those addresses.
Various bugs continue to travel through the district, it's like a freaking petri dish around here! But it's ok, I have not been incapacitated yet. Our zone got a new district this week and we get two more next week. The hermanas are really hoping for more sisters because they are the only three left. Some time this week me and my companion will be switching roles and I'll be senior companion for the rest of the time. Also the District leader will be released and a new one will be called. I pray I dodge that bullet.
Whit and Cody, it sounds like y'all had a blast. I hope you got me an awesome Bahamas souvenir ...nah I kid, I kid. Mike, I was glad to hear about your work issues being resolved, yeah blessings! Eric, I'm sure you're still doing good from the last time I heard from you. So lets see, the wedding reception is this weekend, tonight perhaps? That should be a lot of fun! I'm sure it'll be nice to finally get all those stressors out of the way.
Every week on Monday my district goes to the TRC (training resource center) where we practice different teaching scenarios. This week will be our first time teaching officially in Spanish. So we have been practicing our Spanish a lot. Yesterday we taught the first lesson in Spanish two times. It was our first time using only Spanish, no half and half, and no Spanglish. A half hour or so after the first lesson I turned to my companion and pointed out that we had just taught in Spanish relatively successfully. It was quite an eye opener because it is hard to see the progress day to day. But when one of those big milestones comes along you realize how far you've come.
At this point I have to encourage everyone to go to the temple. Going once a week here has really made a difference and filled my life with blessings. So yeah, I challenge all y'all to go much more often. It'll pay off I promise. Still no word as to when the MTC music director lady wants us to sing before a devotional/fireside. She said we'd all get a letter with instructions the week of the assignment, so we will see.
3 times a week different members of the Branch Presidency come to visit us in the residence hall. It is a wonderful thing and shows us how much they really care. They all have such happy and loving attitudes. Last Sunday my district got called on to go provide the sacrament to the cafeteria staff. So after our sacrament meeting we went to a classroom with the branch president and there were about 5 or 6 staffers there, and we put on a real nice little sacrament meeting. Me and my companion both spoke for five or so minutes. He did a great job, mine was more just rambling on about I don't know what for a while.
The weather has really started to cool down here and I've gotten some use out of my sweaters. It's a little frustrating with our teacher situation. So with our last two teachers they were out of town and sick a lot, so we've had a ton of subs. Now they have both left and we have two new teachers, however their schedules do not line up, so one of them is going to have to leave and we'll go back to district limbo with a bunch of subs until they find a permanent replacement. But all is well in Zion, the church is still true. Pday is always a relaxing treat, the only down side is we don't have gym time, so we have to go a day without Volleyball.
At this point there's five minutes left and I'm out of stuff to say. I love you all and appreciate your prayers and contributions. Thank you so much.
Elder Richards
Friday, August 27, 2010
Week ...I've lost count
But I digress, we got to go to the temple again today (like every Pday) and it was very good. I had a hard time staying awake because the last two nights I have slept terribly. My companion snores somewhere around the volume of a grizzly bear, so it's a race against time to fall asleep before him, otherwise you'll be up for a while. But we all still love him.
Over the course of the few weeks that I've been here I've caught every bug that has gone through the district, so adding together all the times that I've felt 100% healthy would probably come out to about half a week. But that's ok, it's never been anything too bad or disabling. My roommate was very sick yesterday so me and his companion took shifts staying with him while the others went to class. So yesterday was kind of slow, but still good. The language is coming along nicely, my sentence fragments are slowly becoming more and more coherent.
I can't recall if I've mentioned this, but because our teachers have been sick and going on vacation we've had a ton of subs, one of whom is a good friend of mine from BYU. He was in the same ward as the girls me and my apartment hung out with, so we hung out with him a lot. He's a really nice guy and way good teacher. He's from El Salvador, it's a fun accent to listen to. All the Elders in the zone have finally found out that we knew each other outside of the mtc and are constantly asking me questions about him, I guess they can't picture him outside in the real world.
And on the topic of our teachers, this is our last week with them because one is quiting to go to medical school and be on the BYU track team, and the other is switching over to the tutor position. So we will have two new teachers, both of whom are native speakers. The hermano is from Chile, and the hermana is from peru. Speaking of south American missions, dad, which Bolivian mission did you serve in? My companion's dad served in La Paz Bolivia, and that sounded familiar to me, but he's younger than you are so he would probably have been there several years after you, assuming it is the same mission.
It was a lot of fun to hear everyone's different accounts of Whit and Cody's wedding, sounded like it went over real well. Mom and Dad, are y'all going to try to find someone to buy the van, or just sell it for parts? I can't imagine that old piece of junk fetching too high of a price. I say piece of junk, but I did love that piece of junk. Well my time has almost expired, oh mom, if you were wanting to send pictures of wedding stuff, it would be best to do so by snail mail as opposed to email. And I think I've touched on everything major from the past week. Thank you everyone for your love and support and prayers. I can't wait to get out in the field and do some real work. I love you all and pray for you all each night, take care, and I will see y'all in two years.
Elder Richards
Friday, August 20, 2010
Adventures from the MTC
My cough got worse and most of my district has been fighting some illness or another (I'm mostly over it now), we all lovingly blamed it on one of our teachers. For gym time the other day one of the Elders in the district led us in yoga. It was...liberating(?) but yeah anywho. We play a ton of volleyball usually, it's a lot of fun. Every Wednesday it seems weird to see all the newbies showing up. Spanish is coming, I can pray and speak much better now that I can speak in future and past tense. I love going to the temple it is a huge blessing and definitely a highlight of the week. Today after our session we got to go help out in the laundry room and that was way cool. We have service time every Wednesday morning, and that's it, so this was like "awesome extra blessings!"
Thank you to everyone who has written. Especially you dad, your letter was very much appreciated. It was very touching and kind. Every once in a while I see someone I know which is kind of odd. Fun fact this last Wednesday my companion's way good friend came to the MTC and it turned out it was my home teaching companion from BYU. The Mormon world is a small one. Hey whit, and Cody, congrats on your impending wedding, (we can photo shop me into the pictures after I get home) don't worry, you'll have a real letter coming in the mail in the next little while. Mike, how are you doing? How goes the job hunt, I haven't heard from you yet, you too Eric.
This last Tuesday we had a Large Group meeting which was way good, and an added bonus, the guy teaching it looked like a younger brother of Bill Murray, also he sounded just like him and had the same mannerisms. That night the devotional was PHENOMENAL. If you can find anything by Elder Gonzalez and his wife from the first quorum of the 70's presidency, you should totally read it, they are way good speakers. His wife really reminded me of Ricardo and Greg's moms, just the middle aged super loving motherly Latina type. It made me a little home sick, but then I got over it. Anywho, I can see this Elder going places, I wouldn't surprised if he ended up in the 12. He is a very good speaker, and I thoroughly enjoyed his talk. Well, I think I've touched on everything major, and I need to go get my clothes. So, thanks everyone for all your love and support, I love y'all and love hearing from you even more!
Con amor,
Elder Richards
Friday, August 13, 2010
My first real Pday
Wednesday was kind of wacky with seeing all the newbies showing up. A few missionaries in our zone who have been waiting for their visas to go to Mexico have been temporarily reassigned and have gone to different state side places to work while they wait for their visas. So they were very excited to finally get out of the MTC. This week has been pretty good. I get along great with my companion. A little bit about him, he's from California. He spent the previous year working for the Boys/Girls club in his area.
Today has been pretty good. We got to go to the temple as a district which was great, it really brought us closer. Speaking of my district I can't remember if I talked about it, there are 8 elderes and 3 hermanas. (Whit, at this point I have to express gratitude for you serving in a mission. You might not have realized it but from the Elders' perspective having Hermanas in your district is a huuuge blessing. It gives that much needed touch of a female presence. Makes a big difference.)
I get along really well with my roommates. We all have a lot in common and are always cracking each other up. Our room (I've taken pictures so you can see eventually) is set up with two bunk beds. Me and one elder are in one (I'm in the top bunk) and another elder and my companion are in the other. My companion is a very loud snorer and the rest of us in the room can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of how loud it is while we're trying to fall asleep.
My package got here yesterday, thanks mom. I was especially fond of the tie. So if ever you are wondering what to put into a package, when in doubt send ties (and maybe a ctr/hij ring, not the green plastic ones but something with some girth to it). They're the one aspect, ties, of the missionary's wardrobe that I have control of so it is very nice to have a variety. Maybe some bright colors, pinks, greens, purples, things like that. I've been fighting a bit of a cough the past few days, but other than that I have been absolutely fine health wise. So far the food has been mostly decent. We'll see how I feel in 8 weeks. It's funny, 8 weeks seems like it is forever away.
Almost once a day some kind of spiritual experience will happen and I'll be dying to get out and start teaching. In our district's class we have two teachers that alternate teaching us, one of them is out of town for the week and one of the subs that filled in for him was a good friend of mine from BYU, so that was pretty cool to see him again. He's from El Salvador and served in Chile. It was funny because at one point he asked me (in Spanish) why didn't you ever talk with me in Spanish back at school? I just had to say it wasn't personal, I had forgotten all my Spanish until a little over a week ago. It's crazy, each day I know more and more Spanish. And where I lack the ability to speak I make up for in the ability to understand. I can teach a lesson in Spanglish to an "investigator" who will only respond in Spanish and completely understand what's going on. Older Elderes have taught me and my companero in Spanish and we can understand them completely. The Lord definitely blesses missionaries.
This Sunday me, my companero and then three other elderes from my district (are singing in church), we're going to sing abide with me tis eventide acapella. We're also practicing to audition for the special musical number before an MTC devotional next Thursday. For that we will be singing a medley of Nearer My God to Thee. My companion is something of a musical prodigy. He has the voice of an angel, and plays the piano. He can't read music very well so he just plays hymns that he knows really well in whatever key and arrangement he thinks of on the spot. It is something to hear let me tell you.
At this point I am almost out of time. Thank you everyone who has written me, the letters have all been great.
Muchas gracia por sus oraciónes y carteles amable. Yo sé que Padre Celestial bendige los missioneros. Me testimonio es muy fuerza. Jesucristo es nuestra salvador y tiene mucho amor por nosotros. Oro por ustedes ye les amo mucho.
Elder Stephen Hunt Richards
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The First Letter
So, thank you everyone who wrote letters. They really do brighten one's day. Today is Saturday and it is my temporary PDay (preparation day ...the day where I get to write letters, do laundry, clean my room, etc.). My normal PDay is on Friday but I don't start my normal schedule until next Monday. It's true what they say around here, the days are weeks and the weeks are days. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is Sunday. The Lord definitely blesses missionaries. I've been learning Spanish for a day and a half tops, and I can already pray, testify, and make contacts. Also, each day more and more of what I learned in high school Spanish is brought to my memory.
It's amazing how much the Elderes y Hermanas care for each other here. My companion is a big ol' Tongan. He is way nice and we get along really well. I have two sets of Elders in my room and the four of us all get along really well and are all fresh to the MTC and all going to the Kennewick mission together. I'm really excited to work with them in the mission field. My district is extremely awesome, there are 8 Elderes y 3 Hermanas. Well, I think that just about covers it. I spend most of my time in the class room thus far. I'll fill y'all in on my schedule and stuff when it becomes a normal routine next week. Please remember to keep us in your prayers. Thanks for all of your support, and I love you all.
Elder Stephen Richards
Thursday, August 5, 2010
It's Official
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The MTV Movie Awards

Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Joys of Yesteryear

Sunday, May 30, 2010
I'm Glad They Called Me on a Mission!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Hardest Part is Waiting...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
This is what I do with all my free time...

So I will be focusing on the six films made in the past twenty years, (Sorry Adam West, nothing personal). So our story begins in 1989 when Batman gets a long overdue reimagining. A more dark sinister one. Tim Burton very successfully portrays the new Batman movie which introduced an already established Batman and the origin and death of his nemeses Joker, and lightning struck a second time in 1992 with Batman Returns Where we learn the origin of Penguin and Catwoman, both of these films were received well with critics and fans. In 1995 Joel Schumacher took over the franchise and released Batman Forever, introducing us to the finally Two-Faceified Harvey Dent (Dent had been in the two previous films while still district attorney) and then the origin of the Riddler and Robin. In 97 Shumacher made another contribution to the Batman film franchise with Batman and Robin and brought in Mr. Freeze, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Batgirl. Both of Shumacher's films were poorly received by critics, but well received with fans. After Batman and Robbin the franchise was put on hiatus until 2005 when Christopher Nolan rebooted the series with Batman Begins. This movie wipes the slate clean and starts the franchise over, showing us how Batman came to be and then introducing the villains Ra's al Ghul and Scarecrow, not to mention key characters from the mob. This new take on the franchise is steeped in realism, as in what would Batman be like if real? Then in 08 Nolan released The Dark Knight, which gave us a new Joker, and a new Two-Face. Both of these films were greatly received by both critics and fans. Now then, my list of who's who in the Batman franchise:

3. Joel Shumacher
2. Tim Burton
1. Christopher Nolan
Portrayers of Batman:
4. George Clooney
3. Val Kilmor
2. Michael Keaton
1. Christain Bale
Portrayers of Bruce Wayne:
4. George Clooney
3. Christain Bale
2. Val Kilmor
1.Michael Keaton

The Batman Movies:
6th Place
Batman and Robbin
No surprises here I'm sure. This took Mr. Freeze and turned him from a tragic deeply depressed character to a one liner spitting out Austrian guy. But they did get Poison Ivy right, but that was about it.
I hold this movie in the highest esteem don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it. There is a huge leap in quality from number six to number five, now we get into the tough choices. This movie is great, the only beef I have with it is that it is too dark, not plot wise, it's literally difficult to see what is happening on screen.
The Dark Knight
(WHAT?! Stephen are you crazy?! This should be number one!!) I know anonymous reader, you're shocked. This movie is supposed to be the best everything, but in the end it just couldn't beat out its sisters. I love this movie. The plot is intriguing, the characters are phenomenal, and Heath Ledger's performance as Joker is stupendipherous. Remember, 5 through 1 are all extremely close, each one is better than its predecessor by a mere hair.
Batman Forever
I know you're asking me how this can possibly beat Dark Knight. Hold on I'll explain. Myself personally, I feel more for the comic bookish Batman movies. This captures that spirit perfectly. Dark Knight is a fantastic drama, but that's just it, it's a drama. This movie has the perfect combination of slapstick humor and serious and action. Definitely one of my favorites. Robbin isn't the best, but I'm not complaining, because we get Riddler and Two-Face teamed up for awesomeness.
Batman Returns
I love the original, but this the first sequel I would have to say passes up the original. It is great. Penguin's plot is pretty good, but where this movie really shines is Catwoman's story. Michele Pfiefer is absolutely brilliant as Catwoman and her counterpart. The absolutely tragically beautiful breathtaking scene when she goes back to her empty depressing apartment for the first time after being "reborn" is enough to cement this movie in the number two slot.
Batman Begins
I know what you're thinking, if I said the Dark Knight was too serious then why should Batman Begins get first place. Well I will tell you. This was the first movie to take on a truly realistic approach to the franchise, and they succeeded. I've read several Batman Graphic Novels (For those of you unversed in comic book talk, a graphic novel is like a comic book except more targeted to an adult audience. Usually they are steeped in realism and dark violent themes). So the reason that this movie takes home first place is because it does the best job of capturing the feeling of the source material.
In conclusion:
Each of these movies are in their own way totally awesome, if you haven't seen them do yourself a friggin service and check 'em out.
And if you took the time to read through that mountain of text then here's a little reward for your effort, enjoy.
Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Los Peliculas
Friday, May 7, 2010
My Top Ten Movies From College
What more need be said? This movie is absolutely amazing. Perfect down to the last detail. Quite possibly my favorite movie of 2009. I saw it four times in the dollar theater. Great movie, 'nuff said.
Now then, this movie is fantastic. It is low budget, almost indie feeling, but sooo good. Over summer term I went with my roommate Joe, and our friend Omar and his cousins to go see this at midnight when it first came out. I absolutely loved this movie. Something that made it a bit more powerful for me was that earlier that evening my dad had called to announce that he had cancer. So I was a little shaken up at the time and watching the movie's protagonist literally deteriorate and fall apart over the course of the movie was very upsetting to me at the time. Also, before hand something extremely funny happened. Since this movie is rated R every trailer was for some horrible rated R horror movie. So by the end of the trailers everyone in my group was understandably shaken. Omar, (a very large Mexican) turns to me and Joe and in a higher than normal voice says if we want we can come over to his apartment after the movie and watch something happy. Another great memory of this movie experience is that immediately after me and Joe went over to our friend Ellen's apartment for a 3 am french toast party. It was way fun.
The Boondock Saints is a great movie. This sequel cannot hold a candle to it, but it is still good. Also it features one of my favorite movie monologues in it. I would post it but the language is a bit too adult for this family read blog. Another great thing about it, I got to watch it with my good friend Mark.
Everyone and their grandmother knows I love Alice in Wonderland. This is referring to the new Tim Burton adaptation. I went to the midnight showing with my dear friend Ellen and some of her roommates. We ended up having to sit in the front row due to the packed nature of the theater, and so a lot of the 3d was lost on us as it was cast out over our heads. But it was still fun. A night out with Ellen is always an enjoyable night out.
This was another midnight showing attendance. I put it in the list mainly because of the fun time that was had waiting in line. I went with my roommate Joe and our neighbor who sadly I can not think of his name at the moment. Anywho, we ended up having to wait in line for a few hours before hand but it was still incredibly fun. Just standing out in the chilly night air and cracking jokes. Then the movie itself was very good, (in my opinion the best book interpretation thus far in the series). Afterwards I got home at 3ish and had to write a paper that was due that morning, got it in no problem. Another fun thing is before leaving me and Joe watched all manner of fan made Harry Potter spoofs on YouTube, very humorous.
Zombie movies really only hold a sort of sick fascination for me. I watch them, but then afterwards I usually regret watching them simply because they ultimately make you feel bad at the end when everyone dies. Well, this is not only a great zombie movie, but undoubtedly one of my favorite movies. It is safe to say that this is the only feel good zombie movie out there currently. Do zombies eat people? Yes. Are there blood and guts? Yes. Is there a heart warming storyline that makes you smile and feel good? YES. I love this movie, I watched it with my good buddy Mark, go check it out.
"WHAT?! Stephen, surely Twilight didn't make your list of favorite movies at college?!" Well anonymous reader, it is true, Twilight made the list. I had seen this once before leaving for school and absolutely hated it. At school I saw it two more times. Once with my good friend Kyrie and some of her guy friends, and then again with my friend Rose and Matt Morgan. This movie, if watched with the right funny people, is phenomenal. Nothing is quite as funny as popping in this cheesy poorly made movie, kicking back, and just ripping into it. I highly recommend getting together with some friends and riffing this thing. You won't regret it.
8. 300
Now then, this movie was already one of my favorites before I left for school. It is just an all around good movie. The reason it made the list is because one evening I was hanging out at my friends' Ellen and Haley's apartment. Ellen was doing homework in her room I think, so me and Haley were chilling out in the living room. One of her roommate's Mac was out and so we looked through her iTunes movies to see if there was anything good. She had 300 and Haley had not seen it, so we decided to watch it. It was just a very nice hour and a half cuddling on the coach with my very good friend Haley, enjoying a very good movie 300. Happy memories.
This movie is pretty decent. It's all about this kid and his summer job before going off to college and all the adventures that happen as a result. The movie isn't named after his adventures, he works at an amusement park called Adventureland. Anyway, I watched this movie on line and then when it ended it was snowing outside. It was about 2 in the morning at this point. It was so quiet and beautiful and peaceful. The movie made me feel good and nostalgic, and then outside was just gorgeous. So me and my roommate Drew and our good friend Brittany ran around outside and played in the snow for an hour or so. It was just a good memory.
This movie is only so-so. The reason it made the list is because I watched it with my friends Ellen, Haley, and Brian. So the company was good. It also made the list because it has the single greatest kiss scene in all of cinematic history. Seriously, thank you very much Haley, for showing this to me, it was amazing.
Here are some movies that just barely didn't make the list for one reason or another but I feel still deserve to be mentioned:
Mr. Dungbeatle=an amazing movie my film professor made.
The Complete Star Wars saga=me and my friends introduced them to Jessica who had never seen them.
How To Train Your Dragon=great movie, go check it out.
The Fantastic Mr. Fox=Wes Anderson's debut animation film, golden success.
So there you have it. Each movie listed was filled with great memories from college that I will cherish for years to come. Some movies on the list are not for the entire family, but they're all definitely worth checking out.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Musings of a Fevered Brain
Don't you hate that feeling? You know the one. When you're lying awake in bed at 1:40 in the morning. Quietly ticking away the hours, wondering when sleep will take you. But alas, both the Sandman and Morpheus seem to be giving you the silent treatment. You already know how vindictive and bitter those two can be and you sincerely regret whatever it is you did to invoke their wrath. Your eyelids are heavy with exhaustion, but no comforting sleep comes. Perhaps it is because of the extremely sedentary life style you led today. Or maybe it is because you slept off and on until 3 o'clock this afternoon respectively. The only thing you can be sure of is that you truly and deeply hate being sick. Oh that I might lure the Sandman to my humble abode. Or gain favor in the eyes of Morpheus. But I do not know what bate to use, and who knows where I could get a sacrificial goat at this hour. Alas, sweet dreams....
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole...
Monday, April 19, 2010
A Good Omen To Be Sure...
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Joys of Acting
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Stage vs The Screen
The End.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Always Wash Your Hands After Applying Rogain Before You Scratch Your Face...

Woah! That's a lot of body hair! Now then, I do love the classic Universal horror movies. Although werewolves are fairly universal I do not mean the word like that, I mean the classic b horror films that Universal Studios put out in the good ol' days of the black and white silver screen. Before we get to what I thought of the film, this movie did not do good in theaters, and got over all poor ratings. I liked it. "But Stephen, four out of five dentists (or critics in this case) can't be wrong can they?!" My apologies, I can not speak for the critics that disliked this movie, I can only speak for myself. And as this is my blog, my word will be the only one that we examine today. Hurray! So, I can see why people didn't like this movie, you have to view it with a certain type of glasses, (no not those 3d kinds James Cameron!) you have to look at the film as exactly what it is meant to be, a Universal horror picture. They do a stupendous job of capturing the spirit of the black and white classics. Not too much plot. The hero struggling to maintain his humanity and protect those he loves from himself. Heck, he even tries to protect those he dislikes. And what could be better than a classic black and white horror picture? A remake that puts the same situation in a breathtakingly beautiful 1890's London, and features the tragic hero absolutely wrecking people. I mean straight up ripping them to shreds. So, obviously this movie is not for those with a weak stomach. Probably my favorite moment is when Del Torro's character is tied to this chair in an insane asylum (he has been sent there for brutally murdering people and claiming to have done it as a werewolf) and surrounded by scientists and professors all observing him. The idea is they are going to prove to him that he will not turn into a werewolf once the full moon rises. He keeps on screaming what has become one of my favorite attempts to warn people of danger: "You morons! I'll kill all of you!!" Not a threat, a warning, I love it. Naturally he turns into a werewolf and proceeds to do what they do best, jack people up. And of course the scientists have locked themselves in for some unexplainable part of the experiment. Love it. If you like blood and guts, Universal horror pictures, and all around beautiful landscapes/environments then go check out The Wolfman.
In closing let me just say this, Stephanie Meyer, you are dumb. This is what a werewolf looks like:
This is a dog, not a werewolf, or a wolfman, a DOG. The point of a werewolf is that it is different from the two species that make it up, it either looks like a horrible monster, or some combination of the two. It does not look like your beloved childhood pet Mr. Snuffles. Follow the rules that pertain to Vampires and other mythical creatures you have crapped all over, or stop writing. Actually come to think of it, whether or not you start obeying the literary rules already set up, just stop writing. You are not good at it. You write like a twelve year old. But kudos to your ability to manipulate teenage girls.
I digress, this is a movie review post and not a "Why Stephanie Meyer should have her hands crushed review." Wolfman was good, go check it out.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Grains on a Beach, Drops in an Ocean, and other Comparisons to Humanity

Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Curious and Curiouser

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Troubles of Acting

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Jerk Theory
Hopefully I haven't offended any women, because I did not intend to, but yall have offended me.
And now a shout out to my main man David's older bro,
"The Jerk Theory":
What in the world was I thinking
when I went and
bought you those flowers and candies
I was thinking that every girl wants a nice guy
Someone she can trust but I guess I was not right
What is wrong with me?
Or do I have to be,
a jerk so you'll want me?
A jerk so we can be...
Together happily
and it's time I'll miss use you
if you ask me nice then I'll even abuse you
frequently I'll tell you your fat and annoying
frequently I'll tell you I don't want a girlfriend
what is wrong with me?
Or do I have to be
a jerk so you'll want me?
a jerk so we can be
together happily
and I won't ever call you
and I will cheat on you whenever I want to
after that I'll tell you I'm sorry forgive me
then I don't know why but you'll want to be with me
what is wrong with you?
It's sad but it is true
You're forcing us to play
the same old stupid game
Cause you want what you can't have
so I have to treat you bad
I don't mean to be so mean
but your forcing me to be
a jerk so you'll want me
etc etc
And then you'll leave me and you'll find a man
He'll love you so much he'll ask for your hand
then I'll come along and treat you like you're trash
I don't know why but you'll still want me back
Oh what is wrong with you?
etc etc
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Life and Times of an Aspiring Spider
Friday Afternoon: My group in theater picked which play to produce. Not mine, but I am ok with that because the educated people in my group gave it a vote, and my T.A. gave it a shout out recommending that people read it because it was good. That is enough recognition and praise for me. The play we did pick was the one I wanted though, so I am happy. It is essentially a continuation of A Farewell to Arms. I also got the part I really wanted. I play the spider after whom the play is named: "The Eency Weency Spider." I am a figment of the main characters imagination that is representative of him and his state of earthly detachment, not to mention his possible madness. So I am very happy about that. I have been doing a ton of spider research and watching footage of them to try and come up with a really abstract and unique way to move around the stage. Should be pretty cool.
Friday night: Friday night I was at some friends' apartment on my own working. After an hour or two Brittany came home and we ended up chilling on the couch while I introduced her to the tv show How I Met Your Mother. That was pretty cool. Then we went to another apartment and watched the classic Singin in the Rain. I then proceeded to do laundry at two in the morning, but it was entertaining because a party broke out at the laundromat.
Saturday: I played the part of the "Gay Best Friend" in helping the girls dress shop for a dance that was going on that night. This basically consisted of me trashing various dresses they looked at, if Hollywood has taught me anything it's that that is what gays do.
Saturday Night: I went and saw the play Tartuffe on campus. It was AMAZING! It was Tartuffe meets Cirque de Sole meets Tim Burton. It was extremely well done. And one of the actresses was absolutely gorgeous. After that I went to the previously mentioned dance looking like a stud. So it was a big surprise to my friends because they did not think I was going. It was pretty fun. After the dance I went to my friend Wes's apartment and we chilled there till about 2. Then we went over the the girls' apartment and stole their oven door using a key I had previously stolen. Regrettably the next day Wesley cracked under their interrogation and gave us up.
Sunday: Church, nap, super bowl, studying, bed.
The End.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Who's Ready to Get Lost?


Sunday, January 31, 2010
A Risky Situation

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Do Not Question Me

Friday, January 22, 2010
The Play I Wrote for Intro to Theater
Characters: Jude
Jude’s Thoughts/Mind
Eleanor “Lenny”
Sister Prudence
Two Anonymous Students
Jude: Main character of the play. Average student, quiet. Has crush on Lenny but hasn’t told her. Comes from a slightly troubled home. Parents that argue a lot. He wears school uniform casually: loose tie, rolled sleeves, etc. Although he is quiet he wears his hair messy.
Jude’s Inner Voice: The voice of Jude’s thoughts. Extremely sarcastic and witty. Very opposite of how Jude is. Very outspoken, makes himself heard. Gets Jude into a lot of trouble.
Eleanor “Lenny”: Unconventional. Unlike the other characters she is not catholic, just going to catholic school to appease her father. Because of this all of her male catholic classmates give her a lot of attention, and she finds this annoying. To them she is this crazy wild adventure waiting to happen. She is very sarcastic.
Sister Prudence: A nun, obviously. She is the very strict teacher. In her mid fifties. She recently had a cast taken off of her leg from when some younger students tripped her, as a result she walks with a slight limp and hates all of her students.
Setting: Very straight/neatly lined up rows of desks. An elderly nun sits behind a desk at the front of the room grading papers. A miniature statue of the Virgin Mary sits on top of a stack of already graded papers. She is muttering to herself under her breath, looking annoyed she crosses herself and then scribbles another “F”. There is a cross hung on the wall. The prevalent sound is that of a ticking clock and the scribbling of pens as uniformed students take a test.
Sister Prudence: (Standing up and addressing the class gives an angry sigh and in an Irish accent): Did any of you study for the last test?! Lord help me! I feel as though I am teaching myself! I can count on one hand how many of you passed the last test!
Lenny: Well, maybe our grades are reflective of how well we were taught…
Sister Prudence: That is quite enough Eleanor!
Lenny: It’s Lenny!
Sister Prudence: Don’t think that just because your father is one of our Academies greatest contributors that you will receive special treatment, ELEANOR. And I will be damned before I take sass from a protestant brat!!
(The rest of the class crosses themselves, Lenny glares at Sister Prudence)
Jude’s Thoughts: What an old hag!
(Class gasps)
Sister Prudence: Who said that?!
Sister Prudence: (Grabs ruler and waves it menacingly) Who’s the one with the smart tongue?!
Sister Prudence: Was it you Jude!
Jude: No ma’am.
Sister Prudence: Very well, get back to your tests.
(She sits down at her desk)
Jude’s Thoughts: (Blows a raspberry)
Sister Prudence: (Standing up abruptly) Five points off of everyone’s test!
(Uproar from the class)
Sister Prudence: Should I make it ten?!
(Instant Silence)
Sister Prudence: I thought not. (Sits back down)
(Class resumes test)
Jude’s Thoughts: (very authoritative voice) “In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed? Hmmmmm…..1776. Yeah, that’s it.
Sister Prudence: Jude! Quiet yourself!
Jude: Yes ma’am, sorry.
Jude’s Thoughts: *Ahem! In what year did America triumph over the British?...1787!
Sister Prudence: That is quite enough Jude!
Jude: What?
Sister Prudence: Don’t play stupid with ME young man! You stay here for lunch!
Jude: But I-
(Bell rings)
Sister Prudence: Allright class, go to lunch. You can finish your tests afterwards….Not you Jude! Sit back down!
(Sister Prudence and the other students leave the room)
(Jude sighs)
Jude’s Thoughts: Absolutely pathetic.
Jude: What?? (looking around)
Jude’s Thoughts: Back there, what the heck happened?! You let that old Mick walk all over you, NOnononononononono! Cut that out! (Jude crossing himself)
Jude: Who are you?
Jude’s Thoughts: I want you to think about it reeeeaaaaal hard.
Jude: ………. (look of realization and shock)
Jude’s Thoughts: BINGO! We have a winner!
Jude: So what, have I snapped?
Jude’s Thoughts: No…well, not yet at least. I just got tired of watching you screw up our life. I’m here to fix a few things.
Jude: Like what?
Jude’s Thoughts: Well...I don’t have the patience to do a complete overhaul on our sad little life, so I’m just focusing my efforts on hooking us up with her.
Jude: With who?
Jude’s Thoughts: (imitating Sister Prudence’s accent) Don’t play stupid young man! (resumes former voice) You know who I mean.
Jude: I don’t like her.
Jude’s Thoughts: Don’t lie, you are head over heels in love with Eleanor!
Jude: Lenny.
Jude’s Thoughts: Ha! Caught you!
Jude: Dangit!
Jude’s Thoughts: (Laughing) Well then, now that you are done kidding ourselves, let’s get us hooked up.
Jude: And how exactly do we go about doing that?
(Sister Prudence enters dragging Lenny by the ear)
Lenny: Ow ow ow ow! Quit it! Ow! Ow!
Jude’s Thoughts: Jackpot.
Sister Prudence: Lunch is a privilege Eleanor! You stay in here until you learn that!
(Sister Prudence leaves)
Lenny: It’s Lenny!
Jude’s Thoughts:
Lenny: Uurgh! She is such a –
Jude’s Thoughts: Easy now…
Lenny: What’s it to you?
Jude: Nothing.
Lenny: Then keep it to yourself.
Jude: Sorry.
Jude’s Thoughts: So what did you do?
Jude: (Whispered) Shut up!
Lenny: What?
Jude: Huh? Oh, nothing. I was just uh…wondering what you did to tick off Sister Prudence.
Jude’s Thoughts: (Whispered) Atta boy.
Lenny: I barely even did anything, my phone went off and my ringtone happens to be something with a good beat, it was hilarious, I thought the nuns were going to faint. You’d think they’d never heard Zeplin before.
Jude’s Thoughts: (Laughing)
Lenny: Speaking of which, what kind of music do you like?
Jude: Umm…Relian-
Jude’s Thoughts: ACDC.
Lenny: Oh man I love ACDC! How about the Stones?
Jude: Uh, yeah. I like them and uh-
Jude’s Thoughts: Black Sabbath.
(Lenny turns to rummage through her bag)
Jude: (Whispered) What are you doing??
Jude’s Thoughts: Dude! Look at her notebook, she loves classic rock!
(Lenny’s notebook is covered with band logos)
Lenny: (emerging from her bag) If you like those you’ll love this! (Hands Jude a cd)
Jude: Thanks.
Jude’s Thoughts: (Whispered) Allright that’s it, let’s move this along. (Normal voice) You’re really pretty.
Jude: What?
Jude: I mean uh, Lenny, I think you’re really pretty.
Lenny (Blushing) Well…thanks.
Jude: No, I mean it. (Smiles)
Lenny: (Smiles) You know what? You’re the first guy to say that, that I actually believe.
Jude: Really?
Lenny: Yeah, all the guys in this school just see me as this…this easy “heathen” girl.
Jude: I don’t think you’re a heathen.
Lenny: (Laughing) Thanks.
Jude’s Thoughts: Do you want to go out some time?
(Jude just about chokes)
Lenny: I’d love to.
Jude: Really??
Lenny: Of course. (Lenny pulls a pen out of her bag and writes her number on Jude’s hand) Give me a call later.
Jude: Yeah. Definitely!
(Lenny leans in and kisses Jude on the cheek, at this moment Sister Prudence enters the room.)
Sister Prudence: WHAT IS GOING ON?!
(Jude and Lenny quickly separate.)
Sister Prudence: Jude! March yourself up to Father MacKenzie’s office right now!!
Jude: (Smiling enthusiastically) Yes ma’am!
(Jude pauses in front of Prudence at the door)
Sister Prudence: Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?!
Jude: Oh yeah…(looks back at Lenny and winks) and it was worth it.
Jude’s Thoughts: ATTA BOY!!!